Alex Rodriguez Tries Jennifer Lopez’s Pa’Ti Dance Challenge and Shows That He’s a Typical Goofy Dad

Alex Rodriguez Tries Jennifer Lopez's Pa'Ti Dance Challenge and Shows That He's a Typical Goofy Dad

We admire how supportive Alexander Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez are for each other. The former baseball player showed some love to his fiancé yesterday by trying out J Lo’s Pa’Ti dance challenge that’s trending on Instagram and TikTok. Although ARod didn’t nail all the moves, his daughter aced the routine, and we’ll give him an A for effort.

“This is how excited I am about game 7!!! How’d I do, @jlo ? #PaTiChallenge,” Rodriguez captioned a TikTok video reposted to his Instagram of himself and elder daughter Natasha doing JLo’s dance challenge. “I love when you dance 🤗😘😂,” Lopez replied. Throughout the video Natasha is trying to focus on getting the moves right, while Rodriguez — in typical dad behaviour — continuously makes goofy faces. Many comments on the video suggested that the pair should sign up as J Lo dancers and were impressed by ARod’s attempt at the routine. Above, watch the full video.

Lydia Livingston

Lydia is the newest member of the Genesis Brand family and has fit into the culture seamlessly. After graduating college, three years ago, Lydia made the transition to west coast life after her early years in NYC. She's an avid tennis player, animal rights activist and aspiring vegan chef.

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