The 10 Scariest Stephen King Movies Ever, Ranked

The 10 Scariest Stephen King Movies Ever, Ranked

Stephen King’s status as the master of horror is well-earned. With 88 books and counting to his name, the author’s ability to tap into the human psyche and uncover what scares us the most has become uncanny — and Hollywood took notice a long time ago. Not including sequels, more than 40 films based on King’s work have been made since 1976’s Carrie. In 2019 alone, we got a remake of Pet Sematary, It: Chapter II, and Doctor Sleep (aka the cinematic follow-up to The Shining).

Ranked from simply scary to sleep-with-the-lights-on levels of fear, these movies all had theatrical releases (that means Salem’s Lot fans are out of luck), and they all showcase exactly why King will always be the true master of horror in the realms of literature and film.

Lydia Livingston

Lydia is the newest member of the Genesis Brand family and has fit into the culture seamlessly. After graduating college, three years ago, Lydia made the transition to west coast life after her early years in NYC. She's an avid tennis player, animal rights activist and aspiring vegan chef.

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