Lady Gaga Praises Ariana Grande in a Heartfelt VMAs Speech: “Girl, This Is For Us”

Lady Gaga Praises Ariana Grande in a Heartfelt VMAs Speech: "Girl, This Is For Us"

Lady Gaga praised Ariana Grande in a heartfelt acceptance speech at the 2020 MTV Video Music Awards, and it suddenly feels as though it’s raining on our cheeks. While wearing her second otherworldly outfit of the evening, the singer accepted the best collaboration award for her Chromatica song with Ariana, “Rain on Me”.

“We turned our tears . . . into diamonds.”

“This means the world. Ariana and I really connected through this song,” Gaga said. “Me and Ariana are truly soul sisters. Girl, this is for us. We’ve both been through some sh*t together, but we were willing to share that with each other, and Ari, I love you. I feel like when we were both in the studio, we turned our tears, that felt like endless rainfall, into diamonds. I will treasure those diamonds with you forever, honey.” Watch the sweet speech ahead.

Lydia Livingston

Lydia is the newest member of the Genesis Brand family and has fit into the culture seamlessly. After graduating college, three years ago, Lydia made the transition to west coast life after her early years in NYC. She's an avid tennis player, animal rights activist and aspiring vegan chef.

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